Social Media
Social media goals
- Promote the Bridge, its products and projects.
- To use the platform to build a community of people who support peace and want to make war an unacceptable option.
- Awareness
- Awakening
- Action

Social media content
- Promoting THE BRIDGE Foundation, projects and goals.
- Content including the highlighting of the causes and consequences of war, calling out poor leaderships and promoting the protection of human rights and individual freedoms.
- Calling out Indifference, the status quo, challenging self-interested & ruthless leaderships.
The Artists are showing the way, providing a leadership role. In our inter-community project workshops the team are showing that existing barriers to peace and harmony can be broken down and bridges built between people in conflict.

It’s the music, the Artists that can inspire communities, lead from the front.
The artists are demonstrating the capacity to connect, work and socialize with other young people from opposing cultures and religious backgrounds; providing an opportunity to challenge leaderships and the status quo at this decisive moment in human history.

Change will only happen if we all shout out for it.
THE BRIDGE website and social media channels are giving a voice to young people to speak up and protest for change. As of January 2025, we have over 127,000 followers and on average over 1,000,000 content views per week. Imagine the noise we could make with 10 million followers, 100 million followers!
Every time you like, comment on, or share The Bridge social media content you are calling out for change, amplifying our messaging and a becoming a leader, a digital protestor. You are supporting The Bridge core belief that Peace is our only future, ending all wars a priority and love over hate always wins. We need your voice.